Unfortunately, recently one of the foodie crew was badly injured and had to have his jaw wired shut. This is not a good thing for a foodie type person, especially the one of us who is an athlete and probably puts away 5000 calories a day and is still skinny as a rail. Half of those calories are probably in Twinkies and Cheese Whiz on crackers, but I do know he also eats his fair share of good, delicious and healthy food as well. So the foodie pack arose to action. The artiste in the group came up with what sounds like a wonderful cheese and broccoli soup pureed for someone who can't open their mouth. I never got a taste, but I trust from other dishes of his that I've had the honor of trying, that it was divinely delicious. (I'll have to get him to share the recipe here on my blog.) Next was my turn. I got the chance to jump on board with one of my favorite soups. Mushroom soup. I've been craving it, so what better excuse then to make a double batch of it to; one) to feed our injured friend, and two) to treat my husband and I to this earthy, velvety heaven. (This is not the creepy canned gelatinous condensed stuff coming from the red and white can - this is simple homemade goodness)
If you'd like to give it a shot, along with my Mac and Cheese meat balls - read on.......
This recipe is adapted from Anthony Bourdain's recipe from his Le Halles Cookbook.
(Also available at Amazon)
This is my "doubled" version
12 tbsp butter (1 and a half sticks)
1 medium onion
1 large leek
24 ounces of mushrooms - I combined button, crimini and oyster
8 cups of chicken stock (homemade if possible)
several sprigs of flat leaf parsely
salt and pepper to taste
4 ounces good quality sherry (don't use the cooking sherry crap - yuck!)
This is what I used:
After an hour allow the soup to cool, then puree in a blender in batches. Do this carefully so you don't spray molten hot soup all over your kitchen and yourself. Once blended return to the pot, season to taste with salt and pepper. Bring the soup back to a simmer and add the sherry. You can serve immediately, but this soup is even tastier the next day. Our injured friend liked it so much he was drinking it cold, straight out of the jar I brought to him. I hope he took the time to try it warmed up a bit. It's even better warm.
As I had said earlier, I doubled this so that I could share some with my husband for dinner, and also with a couple of the other foodie pack the next day. (I like to feed people by the way)
My other half and I wanted something a little more than just soup for dinner. I looked in the fridge. Hmmm leftover blue box mac and cheese from dinner with my girls a couple of nights ago. Cheddar cheese that had been sliced for sandwiches for our lunches. Eggs. A partial onion, and best of all hamburger from Pixie's Loleta Meat Market. Local and delicious! (Best burger meat EVER! If you live in Humboldt go see her for some hamburger and sausages. They're the best!)
We took that fine hamburger (2 1b's.) and mixed in onion( about one small one finely chopped), an egg, salt and pepper to taste. We stuffed it with the blue box mac and cheese, topped the mac with bits of cheddar cheese and sprinkled it with a touch of allspice. We formed this into balls and baked them in a 325 degree (convect bake) oven for 25 minutes. (You should probably go with 350 on a non convect oven.)
Molten cheesy balls of love! These things turned out to be some awesome comfort food!
A most delicious dinner, and a great way to use up left over mac and cheese. We served up Mushroom Soup, Mac and Cheese Meat Balls and a green salad topped with Russian Dressing. We ended the night in a happy little food coma.
Happy Eating!