Friday, November 28, 2008

Tryptophan Haze

Well, it's been a while since I posted. I've been a bit busy with a sick child. She was so bad we had her in ER last week. She's better now, but then I headed into the big Turkey Day Cook Off. I decided to focus on getting my house back in order and cooking my brains out. Which I did. My husband and I cooked up the best turkey ever! Unfortunately I'm in such a bloated tryptophaned state that I just don't have it in me today to post the pictures of our beautiful bird, or to post the recipes. So stay tuned, that will be coming soon. After a good nights sleep, a few chores rapped up and an afternoon picnic with leftovers and friends at the beach, I hope to be back into writing mode.

Just wait until you see the pictures of our toasty tasty turkey. You'll be able to imagine it's smokey smell and it's toasty deliciousness from the photos to the point of salivation.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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